Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hello Again

Hello Ladies and Gents!

So I've been in NYC for about 9 months already and it has been a whirlwind!  I know I haven't blogged about it but I've been thinking about y'all...if you are even out there;).
So, as per my last posting I did get the job I was to interview with th next day. It was a crazy introduction to politics here in the city...and my boss was SATAN!  Holy crap it was one of the worst professional experiences of my life...if you guys are interested I'll write a post dedicated to all things her.  Needless to say things didn't work out.  As a matter of fact I actually did well at the job and my clients loved me (even though she was sabotaging me along the way) but she fired me suddenly mid June and I have been spinning my wheels ever since to make enough money to stay living here.  I took a job canvassing which was horrible but it allowed me the opportunity to meet really great people and now, with the help of a week break in DC with the fam, I got my butt in gear and found a job with a cosmetics company paying enough for me to live:).  I'm still looking for other jobs within my field but I am much more calm now that I know I have something steady.

On the love o man I don't even know where to begin!  Honestly this is the most romantically active year of my life.  Granted they have all turned out to be crazy liars, LOL, but I wouldn't trade the experiences for anything.  I'll write separate posts about this as well.

Ok peoples this was just a short hello to let y'all know that I was still around.

You'll be hearing from me again soon!!!!


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