Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter Essentials Series: Lush Buffy - The Winter Dry Skin Slayer!

As a beauty nerd I get asked constantly for product recommendations.  I'm a bit of a personal beauty shopper if you will.  Anywho, one of the products I recommend most is Lush's Body Butter in Buffy.
Buffy Body Butter by LUSH
As you can tell from the photo it is a solid instead of your typical cream form but trust me this stuff is amazing.  It is quite abrasive so take a pass if that's not your cup of tea and use one of their other luxurious butters.  This little wonderbar does everything you need to take care of winter skin: it exfoliates all the nasty dry skin away and nourishes with incredible natural oils and butters to leave your skin feeling shiny and new.  The way you use it is to, while in the shower - after you have washed with soap/gel of your choice, massage the wet bar over your body in circular motions. Then rinse off the grainy bits, step out of the shower, and towel off.  That's it!  The best part is that it's all done while in the shower so no standing naked and cold whilst slathering on cold lotion!  No thank you.  Use this bar for a week and you will have new skin guaranteed.  One thing to take into not keep this product in you bathroom as the steam and humidity might cause it to melt and therefore you'll get fewer uses out of it.  I keep it in on my dresser and it makes my room smell delicious:)
Let me know what y'all think.

Happy Travels This Holiday Season,

The Travelling Femme

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